One of the things that kept me busy during the last months (as mentioned in the previous post) was finalizing the manuscript for the volume Beyond Expressives: Explorations in Use-Conditional Meaning, which I edited together with Hans-Mart Gärtner and which will be published this summer with Brill as part of the Current Research in the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface (CRiSPI) series. As a preview, here is the list of contributions.
Beyond Expressives
- Daniel Gutzmann – Expressives and beyond: An introduction to varieties of use-conditional meaning
- Sebastian Bücking and Jennifer Rau – German non-inflectional constructions as separate performatives
- Sophia Döring – Modal particles and context shift
- Markus Egg – Discourse particles, common ground, and felicity conditions
- Laurence R. Horn – I love me some datives: Expressive meaning, free datives, and F-implicature
- Eric McCready and Yohei Takahashi – Good reasons
- Sophie Repp – Common ground management: Modal particles, illocutionary negation and VERUM
- Yasutada Sudo – Biased polar questions in English and Japanese
- Henk Zeevat – Expressing surprise by particles